Fortune Cookie Friday: Business Advice in an edible wrapper – Be Alert!

Another Friday, another fortune cookie with insight that I’ll apply to being a solopreneur and small business owner.Fortune Cookie Friday-Be Alert

This week’s fortune…

“Be on the alert to recognize your prime at whatever time of your life it may occur.”

Rather than approach this particular bit of wisdom too narrowly, I’m going paint it with a broader brush. “Recognizing your prime” is more about being constantly aware of opportunities than it is about identifying when you’ve reached your potential.

In business, what good would it do to say to yourself (or others), “Hey, I’m really at the top of my game RIGHT NOW.”?

Yes, you should be confident. You should let prospects know why they should buy from you and not your competitors. But don’t place limits on your potential by believing that here and now is when you’re as good as you’re going to get.

As a solopreneur or small business owner, you’ll find opportunities to improve your skills, expand your knowledge, and grow your business around every corner – if you remain alert and aware. Pay attention to other entrepreneurs around you. What best practices are they using that you could apply to your business? What mistakes are they making that you should avoid? What online tools are out there that can make you more efficient?

Alert and aware! Be on the lookout for opportunities to learn and become better, but don’t ever consign yourself to believing that you’re the best you can possibly be at any given moment.

What do you think? Are we there for just a short while, or can be we at our prime multiple times in our lives? What makes the difference?

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