Keep Calm…and Make Your Home Office a Productive, Min...

Working from a home office isn’t as free and easy an experience as people often imagine. 1. Distractions abound. 2. You never completely leave...

3 Ways Texting with Clients Can Hurt Your Business

Lots of businesses have started using text messages to keep customers informed about special deals and to creatively enhance the customer service...

Want to Make a Smart Business Move? Ask Stupid Questions.

None of us like to appear uninformed, uneducated, or ignorant. Where’s the glory in that? But none of us knows everything there is to know...

Want Your Work to Delight Your Clients? Make Sure This Happ...

It’s impossible to please all of the people all of the time (so goes the cliche). But as a freelancer, pleasing clients stands as the most...

Quick and Easy HTML for When Your WordPress Blog Post’...

If you craft your blog posts in the Visual Editor in WordPress, I’m guessing you’ve occasionally encountered moments when, no matter what...

Why Small Biz Owners and Solopreneurs Need to Get Enthusias...

Enthusiasm’s upside for solopreneurs and small business owners Enthusiasm is tough to fake…that’s what makes it so powerful in...