What the 91% of Small Biz Owners Who Do Their Own Marketing...

According to results from an AWeber survey, 91% of small business owners are also the primary marketers for their companies. Whoa! Marketing in...

The Four-Letter Word I’m Removing From My Business Vo...

Can you guess what it is? B – U – S – Y Perhaps not what you were expecting, but that’s the one: “Busy” The...

Get a Grip on Google Plus and Twitter: It’s All in th...

(Actually, in the case of Google+, it’s in the circles, but that didn’t sound nearly as poetic in the title.) Google+ and Twitter have...

The Often Unsung Benefit of Blogging

Blogging. You’ll find no shortage of articles telling you how important it is to your business. It directs traffic to your website, improves...

4 Things to Think About Before You Write Content for Your N...

Writing your own content for your website – it’s pretty much on par with cleaning the cat’s litter box or getting a root canal. But...

Building Professional Connections: No Riding Coattails!

“We need to get together and discuss how I can get involved in your networking circle.” Awhile back, someone posted this comment on one...

Want to Make Clients Thirst for Your Services? Think Beer.

Blue Moon has its orange slice. Corona has its lime. While I’m not a big beer drinker, I think both brands give us small biz peeps something...

EVERY Small Biz Owner Has 168 Hours per Week to Work With. ...

Fact: We all have the same amount of time to work (and play) with.   24 hours in every day. 168 hours in every week. None of us who run our own...

Duplicate Content: Could Allowing Another Site to Copy Your...

When another blogger asks permission to share your content, it’s flattering. What a satisfying feeling to know others believe your insight is...