The One Thing Your Freelance Writer Needs to Write Excepti...

Have you ever hired a freelance writer and been disappointed by the work they produced? Have you felt frustrated, exasperated, or even angry that...

Is Your To-Do List Killing You?

I’m a bit of a to-do list junkie. However, those lists can derail rather than boost productivity if you don’t create and manage them...

Ways To Make Every Day A Take Charge Tuesday

It feels great when you know you’ve got control of your day, doesn’t it? As a small business owner, steering the ship versus getting constantly...

You Owe This To Your Clients

When you’re a solopreneur, it’s all on you—managing all the administrative aspects of your business and serving your clients. That means you...

Why Your Desk Should Be A “No Food Zone”

Believe me, I’m not getting all self-righteous here. I’ve eaten at my desk on countless occasions. That’s precisely why I feel qualified to...

“Sick” and “Solopreneur” Don’...

Despite our best efforts to take care of ourselves and stay healthy, germs sometimes get their way. Tis the season for colds and the flu, ailments...

3 Ways to Nip Nagging Tasks in the Bud

When you’re a solopreneur, you’ve pretty much got to do it all – or at least see that everything gets done one way or another. That...

You’re Not Perfect! Get Over It and Get Things Done!

I expect a lot of myself. I admit it. I’m a perfectionist. The problem is I’m not perfect. Not even close. Many of the other solopreneurs...

File Naming Smarts: 1 Thing You Can Do To Make Your Life Ea...

As a solopreneur, I’ve found that being organized is a prerequisite to being productive. If you don’t have your act together, it’s...

Taking a Break Without Breaking Business Momentum – Tips ...

Thrilled about taking a holiday break, but stressed at the thought of projects falling behind and work piling up? If you’ll be one of the many...

Clear the Clutter – How to Straighten Up Your Solopreneur...

As solopreneurs, there’s A LOT we need to keep tabs on. Marketing best practices, prospects and leads, our client records, accounting details, and...

Cool Tool Alert: Put Your Important Appointments in Evernot...

As solopreneurs, we’re always looking for ways to be more productive and organized. Among the tools galore to help with that: Evernote – my...

Cool Tool Alert: Emailing to Evernote Made Easier

Besides the opportunity to work with a variety of interesting and talented people, there’s another thing that really rocks about freelancing. From...

Fundamental Rule for Having a Productive Day as a Soloprene

That Cinderella song, Don’t Know What You’ve Got Till It’s Gone is playing through my mind as I craft this post. Why? Well, I haven’t had the...