Ways To Make Every Day A Take Charge Tuesday
It feels great when you know you’ve got control of your day, doesn’t it? As a small business owner, steering the ship versus getting
constantly caught up in rogue currents allows you to chart your course and accomplish more. What better day than today to start making a more conscious effort to be the boss of your business instead of letting it be the boss of you?
Here are some ways to take charge of your Tuesday—and every other day for that matter:
Plan! Schedule your work for clients, your administrative tasks, and anything else that you know will demand your time.
Sure, the unexpected will sometimes arise and interfere with your best-laid plans. But with a schedule to guide you, you’ll be less likely to veer too far off course. Bonus tip: Schedule some “wiggle room” into your day to accommodate unanticipated client needs, technical issues, etc.
Don’t let email rule you; rule it.
Suppress the urge to constantly check your email. Consider limiting the frequency at which you open your inbox so it doesn’t disrupt your workflow. Rather than let it interrupt your productivity all day long, plan to check it 2 – 3 times per day, applying the advice in bullet point number one.
Don’t keep your smartphone in the same room while you’re working on projects or tasks.
If you’re not expecting an important phone call from a client, project partner, or vendor, keep it out of reach. Or at the very least, turn off notifications and the ringer or forward calls into voice mail so you won’t find yourself distracted by the constant rings, dings and buzzes. Of course, if your business is one that by nature needs to regularly deal with emergencies, this tip may not be a realistic option. But for most of us, our contacts will experience no hardship by needing to leave messages we can respond to later when we can give them our full attention.
Don’t accept projects or clients that aren’t a good fit.
Sometimes you’ll quickly realize an opportunity isn’t ideal because of the scope, volume, or type of work. Other times, you may need to go with your gut instinct. As a business owner, you need to respect and make the best use of your time, talent, and energy. Choose projects and clients carefully, selecting those that align with your aspirations and goals rather than those that will suck the life out of you.
Begin the day by deciding to do one thing differently.
No matter how small or seemingly insignificant, think about what you can change in your processes, systems, and habits to give you more control and make your day run more efficiently. The three previous bullet points might be a good place to start.
A few other ideas:
Delegate a task that would be better done by someone else.
Start using a social media management tool like Hootsuite or Buffer to save time.
Unsubscribe to email newsletters that you never read.
Eat better.
Get enough sleep.
How will you take charge today?
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