Freelance Writer’s Confession: I Love My Work, BUT…
About a month ago, I read a blog post that implied…no, it actually said outright…that professional writers who don’t
have the gnawing desire to write every moment of every day aren’t true professionals.
That post has gnawed at me since.
When I tell people I love working as a freelance writer, I mean it. I’m grateful for finding my calling and the opportunity to earn a living doing it. Honestly, I can’t think of any other career path I’d rather venture down. Working with my clients and tackling a variety of writing projects energizes me, expands my expertise, and gives me purpose.
But when I’m not working and I have free time, the last thing I want to do is spend more time writing.
There. I’ve said it.
I’ve often felt a little guilty about that. As someone who by trade is considered a “creative,” shouldn’t I be driven to write day and night. Shouldn’t my inner voice be constantly luring me to my laptop to bang out a blog post, novel, inspiring e-book, or some other creation?
Am I the only freelance writer who doesn’t eat, drink, sleep, and dream about writing 24/7?
I’m betting not.
I challenge you to find anyone in any professional field who doesn’t need a break from their job.
There’s no shame in wanting to do something different when you’re “clocked out.” That doesn’t mean you don’t like your work or that you’re not a true professional; it simply means you have other interests and priorities, too.
For me, stepping away from what I do all day for clients is rejuvenating and refreshing. It helps me nurture ideas on the back burner of my brain, and then they more fluidly come to life when it is time to sit down and get to work.
This amended cliche states how it is for me: “All work and no play makes for a very unhappy, unmotivated freelancer.”
Is it the same for you?
By Dawn Mentzer
Forgot where I heard the following conversation but seemed perfect for the topic…
Person A: “I read somewhere that Stephen King writes for 8 hours a day.”
Person B: “Yeah, well Stephen King is full of s%#t.”
Too funny, Marcus! I never heard that one! 🙂
I teach professional cooking to future chefs. The last thing I want to do when I get home, is make dinner!! I am passionate about cooking and have been cooking professionally for decades. Whomever expressed that opinion on writers, doesn’t understand the value of downtime and the creative process.
Hi Dianne!
My apologies for not seeing your comment until now. I’m having a few WordPress issues and your remark got lost in the shuffle. Thanks for sharing your own experience. You said it very well…downtime is absolutely essential for the creative process. I’m looking forward to our talk on Friday!