Pay Attention. Did You Learn Something Lately?
As you’re keeping up with your social media presence and taking care of business, you really can’t help taking away some new knowledge, tips, and insight
from the people and brands you follow and interact with.
It often comes in dribs and drabs rather than in big momentous sweeps. So if you’re like me, much of what you learn gets inadvertently lost in the shuffle. Useful, yet unacknowledged and unappreciated.
Sigh. Such a waste.
That’s why I’ve decided to start taking inventory of and sharing some of the bite-sized bits and pieces of wisdom I glean. Why not give those nuggets of practical know-how the cred they deserve?
My twofold purpose:
1. To give you a few useful takeaways. I figure there’s a chance what I share will be new to you, too.
2. To become more aware of what I learn in the course of doing business from day to day so I’m more apt to apply it.
Sounds like a good plan, right? Let’s give it a try.
Tidbits, Tips and Lessons Learned
There are G+ plugins for WordPress that add Google+ comments to your blog posts.
Thanks to Denise Wakeman for talking about these plugins in a recent post. As a big fan of Google+, I dig this. With such a plugin, when someone comments on your post, it posts to that person’s G+ profile and provides a link back to your blog post.
Denise shares that it has expanded her blog’s visibility and increased the comments and shares she gets. Sweet!
The term “Dark Social Media”
Brooke Ballard of B Squared Media sheds light on Dark Social Media in a recent article on her blog. Where have I been? I hadn’t heard that term before.
According to Buffer’s Kevan Lee in his article on the topic, “It’s a term that describes the sharing that happens outside the traditional bounds of social media. For instance, people may share via email or via IM, and these interactions are seldom included in traditional share numbers.”
Good news is more people than you think see your content. Bad news is you’ve got an invisible audience you don’t know anything about.
How do you tap into the untethered potential your invisible audience brings if you have no idea what makes them tick?
I sure don’t have the answer, but check out Brooke’s post for more insight.
Macbook Pro Keyboard Shortcuts to cut and add hyperlinks
I made the move from a P.C. laptop to a Macbook Pro in early August. I love my Mac, but that doesn’t mean it has been a seamless transition. Never much a fan of keyboard shortcuts with my P.C., I’ve found they’re a necessity with a Mac.
Here are two I couldn’t live without:
1. Command + x lets you cut (to paste, use Command + v).
2. Command + k opens the “insert hyperlink” box (first Command + c to copy the URL of the page you want linked, the highlight the text you want hyperlinked, then Command + k, then Command + v to paste the URL).
What Did You Learn Lately?
Here ends my short list, but I’ve got more waiting in the wings for another day.
How about you? What tips and tricks have you learned lately? Comment here to tell us all about them.
By Dawn Mentzer
Another Insatiable Solopreneur™ Post
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