7 Ways Solopreneurs Can Create a Stellar Comp...

Company Culture and Solopreneurs Just because you don’t have employees doesn’t mean fostering an enviable company culture shouldn’t...

25 Worst – and Most Risky – Passw...

Secure Passwords Are Often a Passing Thought Yes. As sensible solopreneurs and small business owners, we know we should create passwords that are...

Take Control – 9 Things Every Soloprene...

There are so many moving parts to deal with as a solopreneur. Every aspect of your business is your direct responsibility. Yes, it’s...

Think the Little Things Don’t Matter? T...

By Dawn Mentzer As a solopreneur, your personal brand can make or break you in business. It influences not only how prospects, clients and colleague...

5 Social Media Tips for Solopreneurs

Guest post by Rachel Strella I have to admit that the term “solopreneur” wasn’t fully clear to me until I researched it. As it turns out –...

5 Action Words Every Solopreneur Needs to Act

The only way to find success (however you define it) as a solopreneur is to take action. Being passive and hoping that potential clients happen to...

What To Do When You’re Wishy-Washy Abou...

Even writers who seem adept at writing about any topic can find themselves at a loss for words when it’s time to write about themselves. So, if...

5 Time-Saving Chrome Extensions that Rock for...

Like so many other time-strapped solopreneurs, I’m constantly on the lookout for tools that can save me time. Saved time means increased...

An Unexpected Benefit of Being a Solopreneur

When I decided to follow the self-employment path, I had some expectations of the perks that would come with the territory… Flexible schedule...

How What You’re NOT Can Successfully Se...

As solopreneurs, we put a lot of thought into what we are to customers – and into how that makes us different from our competitors....

SEO for Solopreneurs: Common Mistakes and Pra...

SEO. The mere sight and sound of it makes some solopreneurs and small business owners cringe. Yes, we want our websites to be found by search...

You’re Not Perfect! Get Over It and Get...

I expect a lot of myself. I admit it. I’m a perfectionist. The problem is I’m not perfect. Not even close. Many of the other solopreneurs...

Sounding Off on Social Media: What to Think A...

There’s nothing wrong with having strong opinions. There’s nothing wrong with having strong beliefs. In fact, surviving as a solopreneur...

Top Solopreneur “Time Wasters”

If there’s anything that can make or break a solopreneur’s ability to accomplish everything that goes along with running a solo business, it’s...

Solopreneurs: If You Got Hit by a Bus, What W...

I think it’s important to have an optimistic attitude as a solopreneur…but it’s also important to have one foot firmly planted in...

Solopreneurs, Let’s Celebrate Independe...

This 4th of July is for you! As we celebrate our independence as a nation, don’t forget to celebrate your independence as a solopreneurial...

File Naming Smarts: 1 Thing You Can Do To Mak...

As a solopreneur, I’ve found that being organized is a prerequisite to being productive. If you don’t have your act together, it’s...

Ways Solopreneurs Can Create a Customer Exper...

What you need to do to deliver a stand-out “customer experience” isn’t all that easy to pin down when you’re a solopreneur...

How Low Should You Go? Factors to Consider Wh...

If you’ve set your freelance rates fairly, most often you won’t find yourself in the position of negotiating with clients. There’s a value...

To Do: Migrate My RSS Feeds from Google Read...

Google Reader users, time is ticking! Google is putting to rest our beloved RSS feed aggregator on July 1. Although I’ve known about it since...

Why It Makes Sense to Make Your Competitors Y...

You’ve heard it before… “It’s a dog eat dog world.” “Keep your friends close and your enemies closer.” In business, it’s...

What Solopreneurs Need to Know and Do to Harn...

When I started reading “Customer CEO – How to Profit from the Power of Your Customers” by Chuck Wall (@CustomerCEO), I thought I’d write a...

How To Be a More Social Media Savvy Soloprene

As a solopreneur, you need to market yourself…and, in my opinion, there’s no better way to build awareness and nurture relationships than through...

Brace Yourself…Being a Solopreneur can ...

As rewarding as being the master of your own destiny – and work schedule – can be, a fair share of challenges come with being a...

Time Tracking Tools for Professional Services...

Like many freelancing solopreneurs, I bill for my time, effort and end product in a variety of ways. Most often, I propose a project rate that...

Social Media Tics that Might be Ticking Off Y...

Naturally, as imperfect humans, we all have little habits that sometimes annoy others. Often, we’re not even aware of our little eccentricities –...

Oklahoma Tornado Puts “Challenge” into Pe...

I just wrote about the challenges of being a solopreneur for a guest post (to be published later this week on Gainmindshare.com). As I watch and read...

What Do Your Customers Want? The Same Things ...

Whether you’re just starting out as a solopreneur or have been running your small professional services business for a while, you’ve probably at...

Lessons That Being a Mom Has Taught Me about ...

Something that all solopreneurs come to realize while running their own solo businesses is that their “personal” and “professional” lives are...

Ways to Whack Your Inner Whiner

When running a small business, you face a lot of challenges. And as a solopreneur whose quality of work can largely depend on your ability to stay...

Three Sure-fire Ways to Pick Up the Slack Whe...

It can happen. And it does happen. Solopreneurs – by nature of being a one person band – sometimes fall behind schedule on their projects and...

Business Networking 101: Tips for Making Smal...

Unless you’re a natural born socialite, walking into a room full of professionals at a networking event when you know very few people can be...

4 Things Even the Thriftiest Solopreneurs Sho...

Solopreneurs by nature – and sometimes by necessity – tend to be a thrifty lot. I resemble that remark. But make no mistake, “thrifty” should...

Why Your Solopreneur Business Needs “Wiggle...

If you’re a professional services solopreneur, there’s great satisfaction in having a full plate of billable projects. After all, that’s what...

“Do Not Give Up. The Beginning is Alway...

It’s been a while since crafted a “Fortune Cookie Friday” post! For those of you not familiar, Fortune Cookie Friday involves me unwrapping –...

6 Ways to Make the Most of Working with a Fre...

Not everyone has the time or the talent to write their own marketing content for their businesses. When you’re running a small business, you’ve...

Why Small Biz Owners Need to Make It Personal

Using social media to market a business requires a lot of time (no news flash there!) – particularly if you’re serious about making your...

Easy Money or Bad Deal? What You Might Put at...

Last week, I received an email with this message… Hello and Good Afternoon,  I represent a client who is interested in purchasing a link...

No Brainer Ways to Facilitate a Stellar Custo...

Though following through with quality stands at the cornerstone of an exceptional customer experience, solopreneurs need to consistently incorporate...

Taking a Break Without Breaking Business Mome...

Thrilled about taking a holiday break, but stressed at the thought of projects falling behind and work piling up? If you’ll be one of the many...

Small Efforts to Move You Closer to the Big P...

Whether you’re laying the groundwork or are already up and running as a solopreneur, long-term goals and aspirations are probably at the very core...

Learn First. Blog Second. How to Turn “On t...

Consistently pinning down blog topics that will provide value to readers presents a challenge to busy solo professionals. In fact, it’s one of the...

Making Your Mark as a Solopreneur – Tra...

As a business owner, you work hard to make a name for yourself and to find ways to set yourself apart from your competition. One of the more obvious...

Forget Them Not – 4+ Tips for Remembering a...

We’ve all had those awkward moments. The time arrives at a networking function or other public gathering when we bump into someone we’ve met...

Clear the Clutter – How to Straighten Up Yo...

As solopreneurs, there’s A LOT we need to keep tabs on. Marketing best practices, prospects and leads, our client records, accounting details, and...

Two C’s Every Solopreneur Needs to Consider...

When considering “yes” or “no” about taking on a project, it’s tempting to jump in with a resounding, “Yeah, I’ll do that!” if the...

The Power of 8! Generating Referrals With Fre...

While the legacy of your good work and professionalism needs to be at the foundation of every referral that you get – it doesn’t always serve to...

I Can’t Believe I Just Did That! 3 Careless...

“Oops! I can’t believe I just did that!” Who hasn’t said that to themselves at one time or another? In this break-neck, fast-paced business...

It’s OK! 12 Things Solopreneurs Should NEVE...

Being your own boss has its upsides, but many solopreneurs who I know admit to being the toughest employer they’ve ever had. Really, that’s not...

Help Wanted! When It’s Time for Solopre...

Professional services solopreneurs know the term “outsource” intimately. We’re generally the folks who certain projects or responsibilities are...

Have I got a deal for you! Could Bartering Ma...

I haven’t paid a whole lot of attention to bartering as a way of business. As I’ve always understood it, to make a barter arrangement mutually...

4 Ways to Keep Love for your Business Alive a...

Starting a new business is exciting, exhilarating…and kind of sexy! There’s a great deal of satisfaction and gratification in putting in long...

Hungry for a Way to Simplify and Organize as ...

Among the several technology tools on my “to explore” list, has been If This Then That. And FINALLY, I’ve gotten around to digging into how it...

How to Show that You Mean Business in your Fr...

One of the biggest challenges with a freelancing career can be getting others to recognize that you’re running a business. Friends, family,...

9 Ways Solopreneurs & Small Biz Owners C...

I really want it, but I can’t have it yet. – says this Android mobile user with dismay. But if you’ve got an iOS device (e.g. iPad, iPhone),...

Twitter Quick Tip: Set Up a ‘VIP List&#...

Twitter has become one of my all-time favorite platforms for finding and sharing content, networking, and building professional relationships. As my...

Confounded by Content Marketing? Think: “Is...

There’s no shortage of articles and points of view on the growing importance of content marketing in today’s SEO environment. Of course, you’ll...

3 Reasons Far-Reaching Solopreneurs Should Ho...

Business technology is beautiful! It enables us to expand our reach far and wide as solopreneurs. We can network, communicate, collaborate and...

Thanks, But No Thanks! – When to Pull the P...

Knee-jerk reactions and doing business typically don’t a successful combination make, but sometimes you need to go with your gut as a solopreneur....

You’re a Star! 3 Golden Globe-Inspired Tips...

You might never dress in Dior and adorn yourself with Cartier bling. And you might never find yourself walking a red carpet. But as a solopreneur,...

Solopreneurs: Boost Your Biz with a Technolog...

We assume many different roles as solopreneurs to keep our businesses running day in and day out. Bookkeeper, Sales Account Manager, Customer Service...

4 Reasons Why You Might Be Missing Your Mark ...

Without a doubt, it sucks to work hard on a project only to find that what you’ve delivered doesn’t meet your client’s expectations. But it...

5 Tips for Getting More Mileage From Your Mos...

As solopreneurs, we try our best not to take for granted our most valuable resources. But do you downplay the importance of sustaining the one...

Ring in the New Year with a New Attitude

I can’t speak for all solopreneurs, but there are times when I need a kick in the pants to put my head on straight and gain a fresh perspective. As...

Success as a Solopreneur in 2013: 5 Tips to T...

With nearly three years under my belt as a solopreneur, I can in no way pretend to know all there is to know about being one. But I can honestly say...

Is Too Much of a Good Thing Turning Off Your ...

Like so many Facebook page owner/admins, I have experienced the benefits of actively engaging with other pages. It builds goodwill, it incites...

Managing an Upswing in Business Without Dropp...

Ask any freelancing solopreneur, times of “feast” and times of “famine” go with the territory. The famines bring on frustration and fear. And...

Succeed as a Solopreneur By Honing 3 Essentia...

“Solopreneur.” Though the word looks and sounds highly solitary, being a solopreneur is hardly that! Yes, you’re solely responsible for your...

When to Say “When” – Drawing Boundaries...

Solopreneurs and new business owners, especially those just starting out, can benefit big from volunteering in their communities. Not only does...

The Perks of Crossing the Facebook “Fri...

As a solopreneur and professional services provider, you are your brand – so your clients can’t help but think of you and your company as...

4 Sure-fire Ways to Boost Your Freelance Busi

Starting out as a freelancer is exciting – but it can be scary, too. When you’ve got specific income goals you want – or need – to meet,...

LinkedIn Tip for Solopreneurs: Go Light on yo...

More isn’t always better – especially when posting your “Skills & Expertise” on LinkedIn. LinkedIn recently introduced a “Skills &...

Solopreneurs: Two MONUMENTAL Reasons Why You ...

Beyond the obvious objective of just plain being polite, your responsiveness to inquiries can make or break your business as a solopreneur. “The...

“If Only Facebook Would…” R...

I admit it. I suffer from some degree of “entitlement syndrome” where my business Facebook page is concerned. “How dare they not share all of...

Solopreneurs Campaign Every Day: What to Cons...

Not wholly unlike presidential candidates, solopreneurs undergo a degree of scrutiny before being selected as providers of choice. Clients do...

Getting the Most from a Fan Page Follow Fest

I was skeptical at first when I commented on Mari Smith’s Facebook Fan Page Friday post last Friday morning. “Please add your fan page URL or @...

The Frugal Solopreneur: How to Keep Living Co...

Having gone from a cushy corporate salary to what can be a “feast or famine” revenue stream as a solopreneur, there’s one thing that I learned...

Are You on the Right Track with your Social M...

There’s no arguing that the many social media platforms out there have both subtle nuances and in-your-face differences. But regardless of which...

Could Your Business Make It Without A Website...

 Having a kick-a$# web presence can do a lot for solopreneurs and small businesses. There’s no shortage of compelling reasons to have a killer...

Cool Tool Alert: Put Your Important Appointme...

As solopreneurs, we’re always looking for ways to be more productive and organized. Among the tools galore to help with that: Evernote – my...

Your Business Communications’ Best Friends ...

As I’m brainstorming to prepare to present a coaching session on better business writing to the administrative staff of a local institution, I’m...

Would You Have the Guts to Make Your Business...

Not all, but I think most, small business owners at some time reach a crossroads with either their business model as a whole, or specific services...

September 11 and the Solopreneur

September 11, 2001 touched all of us. We all remember precisely where and when we first learned of the unfolding events of the day. Every year, the...

Blurred Lines: Your Professional and Personal...

Fact: The lines are blurred between “professional” and “personal” personas on social media. Is that a positive thing? Is it negative? Quite...

Marketing Essentials Round Up: What Every Sma...

Last month, I contributed a series of 4 articles to SCORE for their Small Business Success Blog. The topic they asked me to address is one near and...

Getting Found Online: 3 Behaviors Essential t...

Being part of the small business community as not only a solopreneur, but also as a volunteer with the local chapter of SCORE and my town’s Main...

Do Hashtags Make a Difference? The Results of...

In an earlier post, I shared my thoughts about using hashtags on Twitter. Rather than completely dismiss their relevance and effectiveness based on...

Fortune Cookie Friday: “You Will Be Fortuna...

Fortune Cookie Friday has returned! And with it, more profound business advice from within those folded confections we all love to crack open after a...

Kick Your Blog Up a Notch with an Editor: But...

You know what your audience wants. You’ve got the expertise, the experience, and the pulse on what they expect to take away from your blog. While...

2 Things You Need To Deliver In Every Custome...

Communication and caring: If they’re MIA in customer interactions – especially the ones gone bad – kiss your credibility and your customer...

Solopreneurs Self-Assessment: “Fascina...

Learning. When starting and running your own business, there’s no way around making it part of your everyday routine. There’s always something to...

Social Media Reminder: Perception, People and...

Social media seems like such a natural fit for some small businesses. Coffee shops, gyms, photographers…they’ve got plenty to share – and...

Solopreneurs: 3 Things to Consider before Say...

Solopreneurs’ entrepreneurial skills and experience – and our flexibility in scheduling our work – make us attractive candidates for...

3 Ways You Should NEVER Treat Your Customers

Although customers aren’t always right, they are the lifeblood of your business. You need them. And though you think they need you in return, the...

Content is King – But Only With Quality and...

Content has been a hot topic as businesses of all sizes and varieties compete to get noticed and stay top of mind with customers and prospective...

It Isn’t Easy Being Green: 3 Tips for Getti...

Let’s cut to the chase – starting out as a solopreneur is challenging.  Although you don’t have to deal with certain aspects of running a...

Do #Hashtags Make a Difference?

I’m not a big hashtag user. Yes, I have used them, but generally that’s when I’m retweeting someone else and they’ve used hashtags in their...

2 Tips for Gracefully Declining an Opportunit...

As solopreneurs, there is only so much work that we can handle independently at any given time. Certainly there will be “lean” times when you...

Cool Tool Alert: Emailing to Evernote Made Ea

Besides the opportunity to work with a variety of interesting and talented people, there’s another thing that really rocks about freelancing. From...