Never Forget A Friend—Fortune Cookie Friday

I hadn’t expected it, but after starting my career as a freelance writer, my circle of friends evolved. Others who went from working for someone...

What To Expect When Going From Corporate Empl...

A friend recently asked me to meet up over lunch to talk about his thoughts of making a career change. Not happy with the degree of autonomy or...

Advice. What We Ask For When We Already Know ...

This week’s note of wisdom from takeout challenged me.   “Sometimes advice is what we ask for when we already know the answer.”   I...

Are You Up To Speed On The Recent Facebook Pa...

These aren’t exactly breaking news, but if you’re not a social media community manager responsible for multiple Facebook business pages, two...

Why Your Small Business Needs a Freelance Wri...

Anything and everything you write in representing your business makes an impression. Your ability to project your capabilities and competence can...

“Recognition is the greatest motivator&...

What motivates you to do your best?   You know, the thing that kicks you in the pants and makes you want to trudge onward in your small business...

Common Sense Tips For Using Humor In Your Blo...

We all love to laugh. But our individual tastes in humor vary—often considerably. Think about it. You’ve probably encountered moments...

“Better Is The Enemy Of Good”—Fortune C...

Complacency to remain “status quo” as a solopreneur or freelancer can mean a shorter shelf life for your small business.   This week’s...

Four Tips For Making Sure Your Visit To A Biz...

If you’re a B2B solopreneur or small business owner looking to expand your services or products in your local market, networking at business expos...

Fortune Cookie Friday Small Biz Wisdom: Do Yo...

What a fine specimen for this Fortune Cookie Friday’s nugget of takeout wisdom.    Fortune sides with him who dares.”   As...

6 Ways to Rock Your Week, Week After Week

In response to me retweeting one of his tweets on Monday, one of my favorite quality content connections on Twitter, Brett Relander, responded with a...

Fortune Cookie Friday Small Biz Wisdom: You B...

Today’s takeaway from takeout:   You become known for your generosity.   To give first rather than aim to get is a networking approach...

Why Being A “Solopreneur” Is B.S.

I can already see the angry mob of freelancers and one-person business owners with pitchforks and flaming torches rounding the corner in protest. But...

Fortune Cookie Friday Small Biz Wisdom: A Per...

This week’s nugget of “takeout” wisdom… A perfect statue never comes from a bad mould.* How does this apply to you in your small business?...

Is the Lure of the Cool Kids’ Table Dis...

Last week, my just-turned-teen daughter came home from school elated because one of the “populars” said “Hi” to her. This caught me off guard...

Fortune Cookie Friday Small Business Wisdom: ...

Another Fortune Cookie Friday, another opportunity to make practical use of those readily discarded nuggets of wisdom served as a side dish to shrimp...

Pay Attention. Did You Learn Something Lately

As you’re keeping up with your social media presence and taking care of business, you really can’t help taking away some new knowledge, tips, and...

Fortune Cookie Friday: Push Yourself

After several readers inquired, Fortune Cookie Friday posts are back! What is Fortune Cookie Friday, you ask? It’s the day when I crack open a...

Watch Out For Foul Balls

You never know when the unexpected will happen. This past weekend, my husband and I joined a client and his staff at a nearby baseball stadium to see...

Hyphen or No Hyphen: That is the Question?

To hyphenate or not hyphenate compound words? I find myself grappling with that question from time to time as I’m writing. I’ll bet you...

How Solopreneurs Can Tame the Boundless Ideas...

Sometimes the biggest hurdle to overcome working as a solopreneur is the very thing you’d think would be the biggest asset: ideas. Most often,...

My Move From P.C. to Mac

It was time for a change. The Acer laptop that had served me well (although lately at a snail’s pace) will soon celebrate its sixth year, and I...

How Making Ends Meet Could Confuse (and Lose)...

The road to making a livable wage as a solopreneur can be longer than ideal. Starting out presents the challenges of building awareness, growing a...

Can You Handle a Full-time Freelance Career?

According to the 2012 Freelance Industry Report by Ed Gandia, 65.5% of freelancing professionals work full-time as freelancers. Their career is...

Sanity Saving Pre-Vacation Checklist for Solo...

Ahhh. Vacation! Time to unwind, feel the sand between your toes, read a good book, escape your cares, and leave the pressures of work behind. Those...

Solopreneur Tip: Sometimes You Should Judge a...

I’ve been fortunate as a freelance writer. The overwhelming majority of the prospects I’ve met and the clients I’ve worked with...

Five Reasons Solopreneurs Should Get Away and...

Not in a bikini-clad spring breaker way (Sorry to disappoint!)…I mean roughing it without the modern luxuries we take for granted at home and at...

84 Percent of Marketers Post on At Least 3 So...

If you’re using social media in your marketing mix (who isn’t?), it’s helpful to learn how other businesses approach it, too. The recent Social...

Our Accessibility: Benefit or Bane to Solopre...

Accessibility. It has its advantages and disadvantages for solopreneurs and small business owners. The numerous modes of communication available to...

Solopreneurs: Aim High, but Know Your Limits

Solopreneurs are small but mighty. We’re also one-person businesses with limitations in addition to our strengths. Preserving our non-employee...

6 Time-Saving Tools Worth Spending Your Time

Solopreneurs need all the time they can get. Unfortunately, each day has a limited number of hours. There’s no way to add more, so saving time...

3 Reasons Why Your Friends Won’t Suppor...

When you’re impassioned to start a business, you naturally want your friends, family and professional connections to feel excited and show you...

5 Simple Tips to Improve Your Writing Right N

As a freelance writer, I’ve talked with a lot of business owners and professionals who have shared that writing isn’t among their core...

My Big @$$ Whiteboard: The Old School Small B...

Technology has brought us tool after tool  to help us work smarter and organize our businesses. But that doesn’t mean we should look at...

7 Reasons Why It Rocks to be a Small Biz Owne

National Small Business Week 2014 has arrived! May 12 – 16 is a time to celebrate the achievements of small businesses – and acknowledge...

Freelance Writer’s Confession: I Love M...

About a month ago, I read a blog post that implied…no, it actually said outright…that professional writers who don’t have the...

Satisfy Clients and Keep Your Freelance Biz W...

Ask any freelancer; pricing projects is a bit of an uncertain science. It requires a degree of research. Before you can offer a client quotes, you...

The Takeaway for Every Small Biz Owner from t...

Most of us don’t have the mass media exposure (or capital at stake) like L.A. Clippers owner Donald Sterling, but his recent private racist...

Keep Calm…and Make Your Home Office a P...

Working from a home office isn’t as free and easy an experience as people often imagine. 1. Distractions abound. 2. You never completely leave...

3 Ways Texting with Clients Can Hurt Your Bus...

Lots of businesses have started using text messages to keep customers informed about special deals and to creatively enhance the customer service...

Want to Make a Smart Business Move? Ask Stupi...

None of us like to appear uninformed, uneducated, or ignorant. Where’s the glory in that? But none of us knows everything there is to know...

Want Your Work to Delight Your Clients? Make ...

It’s impossible to please all of the people all of the time (so goes the cliche). But as a freelancer, pleasing clients stands as the most...

Quick and Easy HTML for When Your WordPress B...

If you craft your blog posts in the Visual Editor in WordPress, I’m guessing you’ve occasionally encountered moments when, no matter what...

Why Small Biz Owners and Solopreneurs Need to...

Enthusiasm’s upside for solopreneurs and small business owners Enthusiasm is tough to fake…that’s what makes it so powerful in...

Optimizing Content on Social Media: What Mark...

As small business owners and marketers, producing content is just one step in the process of using it to help us reach our business goals…We...

My Solopreneur Sanity Saver: Help At Last!

My last post focused on what solopreneurs should consider when exploring bringing on a freelance assistant to help them keep up – and keep...

I’m a Solopreneur and I Need HELP: How ...

It’s a tricky spot to be in. You’re a solopreneur – an independent contractor to your clients – and now YOU are at capacity...

You Can’t Please Everyone: How to Handl...

If you blog for your business and occasionally write posts sharing your thoughts and opinions on particular topics, you’ll find not everyone...

Things that Make Me Go “Hmmm…R...

I’m a big fan of Twitter. I use it primarily for business, and have met some phenomenal professionals through the platform. Some of the...

Tough Job Interview Questions Even Self-emplo...

Finding work as a self-employed professional services provider can be like finding a job. Although you’re not looking for employment, you often...

Small Business Reality Check: It’s Not ...

I’m reading Ayn Rand’s “Atlas Shrugged”…for the third time. Well, I should say I’m trying to read it again....

7 Things Small Business Owners and Oscar Nomi...

I can’t say I’ve ever heard anyone describe running a small business as wildly glamorous. In fact, most small business owners and...

Freelancing and Project Management: Are You o...

“Freelancing” has become somewhat synonymous with “independence.” And to a large degree that’s true of freelancers....

Is Your Business a Pain in the Neck?

Running a small business rocks in so many ways, but it can also be a pain in the neck…and the back. Literally. Endless hours at the computer...

Client Relationships: There’s No Room f...

Building strong relationships with clients stands at the center of the the small business universe. An “us” vs. “them”...

Top 10 “Time Killers” that Stalk ...

Happy National Time Management Month! For the past three years, OfficeTime (a time & expense tracking app available for iPhone, iPad, Mac, and...

15 Moments When Your Business Needs Your Unco...

Starting a small business is exciting. Fraught with novelty and excitement. While it would sure be great if every day from day one onward would be an...

How to Give Your Small Business Staying Power...

Here today; gone tomorrow. On social media networks, that describes a lot of solopreneurs and small business owners. If you’ve been using social...

The Two Things Your Small Business Success De...

If you’ve got a great product or service that satisfies a need in the market, but things just aren’t falling into place for your small...

Which Super Bowl Ads Scored in 2014? (Top 5 P...

Whether you love, hate, or are indifferent to football, you probably paid some attention to the Super Bowl TV commercials. And why wouldn’t...

What the 91% of Small Biz Owners Who Do Their...

According to results from an AWeber survey, 91% of small business owners are also the primary marketers for their companies. Whoa! Marketing in...

The Four-Letter Word I’m Removing From ...

Can you guess what it is? B – U – S – Y Perhaps not what you were expecting, but that’s the one: “Busy” The...

Get a Grip on Google Plus and Twitter: ItR...

(Actually, in the case of Google+, it’s in the circles, but that didn’t sound nearly as poetic in the title.) Google+ and Twitter have...

The Often Unsung Benefit of Blogging

Blogging. You’ll find no shortage of articles telling you how important it is to your business. It directs traffic to your website, improves...

4 Things to Think About Before You Write Cont...

Writing your own content for your website – it’s pretty much on par with cleaning the cat’s litter box or getting a root canal. But...

Building Professional Connections: No Riding ...

“We need to get together and discuss how I can get involved in your networking circle.” Awhile back, someone posted this comment on one...

Want to Make Clients Thirst for Your Services...

Blue Moon has its orange slice. Corona has its lime. While I’m not a big beer drinker, I think both brands give us small biz peeps something...

EVERY Small Biz Owner Has 168 Hours per Week ...

Fact: We all have the same amount of time to work (and play) with.   24 hours in every day. 168 hours in every week. None of us who run our own...

Duplicate Content: Could Allowing Another Sit...

When another blogger asks permission to share your content, it’s flattering. What a satisfying feeling to know others believe your insight is...

Take Action Against Distraction in Your Small...

“Bounce rate.” If you’ve got a website, you know less is best when talking about that particular metric. But the bounce rate of...

So, You Want to be a Freelancer? Make Sure Yo...

According to a study by Intuit in 2010, an estimated over 40% of the American workforce will be “contingent workers” (i.e. independent...

Big Influence Comes in Small Packages

As solopreneurs and small business owners, we all want to raise awareness of our businesses. We want to get noticed by the people who matter....

4 “Un” Words to Remove from your ...

Words wield power. While we pay a lot of attention to them in our marketing efforts, it’s easy to forget the words we (and sometimes others)...

Is It Time to Say Bye-Bye to Your Business Fa...

As a solopreneur/small business owner, I’m getting more frustrated with Facebook by the day. I know I’m not alone. Just recently the...

Deck the Halls – and Your Small Biz: Ad...

As the holidays approach, we put an exorbitant amount of time and effort into making the season bright for all around us. It’s as it should...

The One Thing ALL Small Businesses Need to Co...

As a small business owner or solopreneur, your communications skills – or lack of – can directly affect your bottom line. Professionals...

The Plusses for Solopreneurs on Google+

Although Google+ has over 300 million active users, many solopreneurs and small biz owners still seem to view it with skeptism and doubt. Many have...

Solopreneur Squared: The Benefits and Challen...

As a “solo” solopreneur, you might find those around you don’t always understand what you’re doing and why it sometimes...

“Sick” and “SolopreneurR...

Despite our best efforts to take care of ourselves and stay healthy, germs sometimes get their way. Tis the season for colds and the flu, ailments...

5 Things Freelance Professionals Need to Get

To run your own freelance business, you can’t afford to be your own worst enemy. There are times when it gets tough having your work...

3 Ways to Nip Nagging Tasks in the Bud

When you’re a solopreneur, you’ve pretty much got to do it all – or at least see that everything gets done one way or another. That...

6 Types of Profile Pics that are Worse than a...

First impressions matter – especially when you’re looking to build your brand and be recognized as a professional who is worth the while...

Nixing Negativity for the Good of Your Busine

Negativity is a downer and productivity drainer – just like Dan Waldshmidt points out in the article I sharedin my G+ post below. At least it...

Did I Just Say That?? 4 Words that Could Dest...

Your professionalism can make or break the deal as you communicate and collaborate as a solopreneur.  When talking – either when meeting one...

Solopreneur Startup Smarts: East Coast and We...

No matter where you live and work, you’re going to make some really smart – and some not so smart – choices as you start out as a solopreneur....

Boo! What’s Most Terrifying About Being...

Fear. I think every solopreneur feels it to varying degrees throughout the stages of their careers. And with good reason; starting and running a...

7 Myths and Misconceptions about Freelancers

Although freelancing has become a popular and socially accepted professional path, a lot of people still have misconceptions about what freelancers...

Inspiration & Motivation – Look fo...

Have you ever experienced unexpected moments when someone or something – without effort or intention – has made you want to do better or...

Dealing with Small Biz Stress: How Solopreneu...

Solopreneurs come from all industries, diverse business backgrounds, and  with varied expertise and skills. I find it fascinating to discover what...

Marketing Isn’t Magic: 8 Things It Can&...

Marketing and Magic Aren’t the Same. Whether you hire out some of your marketing activities and initiatives or plan and execute them on your...

4 Reasons to Give Big Consideration to Joinin...

No matter where you’ve rooted your business, you’ve likely got at least one chamber of commerce in your vicinity. To join or not to join?...

Be Like a Tree in Autumn: Shed to Grow Your B...

Right now in Lancaster County, PA, the leaves are in the process of turning from green to hues of orange, yellow, and brown.  Fall is a beautiful...

4 Business Untruths Solopreneurs Need to Igno

Don’t believe everything people tell you about running a business. As you start and build your business as a solopreneur, you’ll discover...

Wondering Where the Time Has Gone? Try Toggl ...

Time-tracking for the Solopreneur / Professional Services Provider – My Experience with Toggl A few months ago, I wrote a post to share some...

The 2 Worst Reasons to Become a Solopreneur

Living the Life of a Solopreneur The Right Reasons to Become a Solopreneur There are many wonderful reasons for deciding to go the self-employed...

How to Get Unstuck from a Rut

The Roller Coaster Ride of Being in Business As fall fair season ramps up here in south central Pennsylvania, I can’t help but reflect on the...

Small Biz Twitter Tip: Look Before You Follow

Twitter: Solopreneurs and Small Business Owners Still Struggling to “Get It” While I haven’t formally kept track of the number of...

Do Unto Vendors – Being a Good Customer

It’s Not Right to Not Treat Vendors Right Treating customers right is a no-brainer, but being a good customer doesn’t always come as...

Making Klout Matter: 2 Tips For Making It a ...

Klout has flaws, but it also has merit Klout has come under fire by many who are quick to point out its flaws in measuring online influence. I agree...